• Creating life long bonds

  1. Diapositive 1
  2. Diapositive 2
  3. Diapositive 3
  4. Diapositive 4

Our Process - Notre Processus

Our beginnnings- Nos débuts

It all started with the famous show '' Forged in fire '' on History channel. Being big fans of the serie, we decided to build ourselves a rudimentary forge and 'heat' some snowplow guiding poles. Instantly we were hooked. From that moment on, every day brought us new opportunities to specialize and stand out.

Tout est parti de la célèbre émission '' De l'acier et du feu'' sur Historia. Étant de grands fans de la série, nous avons décidé de tenter notre coup en se construisant une forge rudimentaire et en commençant à travailler avec des poteaux de déneigement. Dès lors, nous étions accro. À partir de ce moment, chaque jour nous apporte de nouvelles opportunités afin de se spécialiser et de se démarquer.

'' Holy Hell!! I would never have thought you guys could do a job as great as what you did to my wife's knife made earlier this year! Incredible! Just incredible

Jonh C. Meyer

These guys nail it every. Single. Time! No one competes with their skills. And the customer service is more than easy-going!

Bob Trench

Tabarn*k man! Je savais que ça allait être débile mais pas à ce point là!

Sébastien Toutant

« Started laughing »

Kevin Masse

« Receiving a knife is something people hold dear to their hearts... It's more than an engagement, it's a bond between the blade and it's weilder that will last for life. You can only comprehend the feeling once you hold it first in your hands. It's electrifying... Magical... »


The perfect gift

Are you looking for something for that special someone? A knife signed SBK is what you need.

Why chose us?